A Star is Born

Making his directional debut, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga remake the epic tale of A Star Is Born previously made in the 1930's. The same story has been told many times over in films and musicals, with very little amendments made to the overall story since its inception.

The tale itself follows a country artist as he discovers an unknown talent, they make beautiful music together but eventually she overtakes him in musical and professional fame and he resorts to alcohol and drugs in order to still be supportive of the others career gains. The sadness eventually leads him to commit suicide and she is now thrust into the limelight to begin the cycle of fame again.

Although I did enjoy the soundtrack that resulted from this film, the plot line to me left much to be desired, as the infamous tale of fame gone wrong is something that Hollywood tens to constantly remind us of every couple of years, just so the audience starts to empathize with the poor famous creatures before we forget and start demanding from them again.

And yes those thrust in the limelight do have struggles that most of us would never understand, but at the same time they do have money and adoring fans so ease the burden. Now some of you reading this might think I'm a little 'salty' to the plight of the famous, and truth be told I am. Because if this movie remake taught us anything its that everyone somehow yearns to be in the spotlight, if only for a little bit, and that if you keep yourself open to opportunities, then fame would eventually find you.

That aside, I wanted to bring about a different topic of discussion, that of being grounded in your roots and beliefs.

It's easy to say that you would only behave a certain way because you don't have options to do otherwise right now, but imagine a world where everything was at your disposal...would you do the same?
Many have said that they have strict values when it comes to drugs, drinking, and sex, but become a different person altogether as soon as their immediate environment changes. Their strict parents have given way for the hindered child to now try everything without the previous reigns, they become wild and tend to not think about the consequences of their actions, and their strict parentage seems to not have had any effect at all.

When it comes to being grounded and standing firm to your beliefs, I believe that this is something that only can come from the individual themselves. Only then would that be able to hold fast to the teachings they received as a child.

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