
Once considered to be one of the lamest members of the Justice League, Aquaman had gotten a full fledged makeover since its debut film released at the end of 2018. DC released the origin story after first introducing the new Aquaman in previous Justice League films.

Now we are all fairly familiar with the DC character, with his ability to speak to animals in the sea and having the trident of Poseidon, he's kinda hard to miss. But with that said, the superhero of the ocean has never been known for his looks or of holding his own with the other members of the justice league.
Well all that changed in 2018 when Jason Momoa was chosen to depict the new and improved Aquaman, and as a result many a woman has been swooning ever since. 

But hotness aside, I wanted to talk to you about an underlying theme that was present all throughout the film, that being the feeling of insecurity and not being able to measure up to the standards set before you by those who in all likelihood, were not thinking about your feelings or capabilities. 

Expectations from others can leave deep wounds, but they really pale in comparison to the sting of feeling that you're pre-destined life is one that you are unable to to claim, or just something that you didn't want in your life to begin with. 

And this is a theme that is played upon in media relentlessly, the protagonist born into a role he didn't want to have, attempting to flee the expectations of his family by doing the complete opposite to what his role would have been. And what always happens in the end? The protagonist eventually donning the role he was always meant to have.

One would think that Disney would have exhausted this particular story by now... 

But if given the same parameters, would you yourself attempt to rebel against your birthright?

As for myself, I believe that having a birthright is almost like a weight off your shoulders. It would mean knowing exactly what was expected for your life and therefore just having to 'do as your told' in a sense.
Yes the expectations of others can sometimes be crippling, but is better than having to go though the vagueness that is everyday life.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and let the credits roll.


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