Captain Marvel

10 years of Marvel plot lines are about to come to a close, and after the Infinity War where half of population; supers included, were wiped out, Marvel fans have been awaiting the rise of another superhero to come in and change the odds against the evil Thanos.
And that super would be known as Captain Marvel.

The powers that Captain Marvel is said to possess is super-human strength, energy absorption and manipulation, the ability to generate heat, light and radiation, flying faster than the speed of sound, and supposedly to have the 7th sense of precognition and cosmic awareness. In essence she is Marvel's version of Superman from DC.

Now if you stayed back to watch the end credit scene in Captain Marvel, you would already know that right before Thanos had wiped out half of the earth's population, Nick Fury had sent a distress signal to Captain Marvel and essentially she would be the secret weapon against Thanos and the infinity stones.
And come the last movie Avengers: End Game, its all going down!

Now with all the hype surrounding Captain Marvel, I have to say that I am rather disappointed with how the heroine is depicted throughout the film. She manages to fight off her attackers very easily, never gets injured, and her one flaw is said to be her tendency to be emotional. Which is something that women all over the world with PMS would also be facing.

It seems as though the latest trend of not having that much of a struggling back story or not having many weaknesses aside from those associated with human-ness. And the overall picture this paints to the audience is one whereby the heroine seems to only be portrayed as being brave and powerful. Hollywood doesn't exactly show a weak side of Wonder Woman, or of The Wasp going though the classic struggle of a being a super and also trying to live a normal life.

Granted that feminists would be jumping for joy at any strong woman being broadcast-ed on the big screen, the question here is not one of women being portrayed as strong, it's that women are depicted as not having character flaws or of needing help to save the day. Its almost as if as a result of women not being depicted as strong and independent anywhere else in life, that movies have sort of overdone it to compensate and show the complete opposite of reality. 

And here is where I currently stand in relation to the strong feminist messages being showcased in Captain Marvel. I have never considered myself a feminist but do believe that certain equality's between the genders need to be present.
I believe in equal opportunities but that abilities and natural inclinations are something else entirely. 

I don't think women need to force the idea of strength and independence onto society, but more so the natural abilities of women that are unique to us. Women have the ability to look upon a situation with emotion, to care and express themselves clearly, and to have an internal anger that when unleashed would be mean death. After all, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 


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