
Having grown up as a Disney child, I always have a soft spot for animated movies and the stories that not only excite children but also hold a deeper meaning for those of us whose childhood was decades ago. And as an adult I find myself loving Pixar's work more and more as it translates better to its audience that grew up with cartoons, but no longer enjoy the mindlessness of the same plot line being portrayed over and over again.
I mean there's only so many times you could hear a princess sing about being free or being swept away by a man before you call it quits!

However, the movie I wanted to discuss today was one from 2017, and its name is Coco. 

A tale depicting the deeper meaning behind the Mexican day of the dead and what happens to the dead when the living no longer remember them. 

The biggest take away I got was that of the sacrifice that parents have to make for their families and their dream.
The character Hector was a person that obviously had many talents but he was also very much devoted to his family and especially his daughter Coco. But as a person that made his living writing and playing music, Hector had to spend much of his time on the road and away from his family and beloved daughter. And one day Hector just disappears and never returns, and in true form his wife despises him and music and banns it from her family all together.

And I'm sure by now you already know how the tale ends, but something worth thinking about is the concept of sacrifice in order to achieve one's dreams.
Sacrifice at this day and age comparatively looks very different from the sacrifice of the generations that came before, and sadly enough if it came to living on the basics, I do not believe that most of the millennial generation would survive.
I myself feel withdrawals when I am not around my phone for long periods of time and get cranky when the WiFi is lagging...I don't think I could live in a world where food delivery doesn't exist, and that is borderline pathetic.

Which when I had watched the film, it made me think about how much I would be willing to sacrifice for my dream/calling. You always see those people that seem almost as if they knew what they wanted to do in life from the moment they were born, I am not one of those people!
I have a vaguer dream, one that just involves helping people.
To me, being able to help someone out of a cycle of depression, to support them, or even something as simple as being able to impart a little bit of knowledge to another person is enough.
But would I give up everything for this dream?
What if I couldn't? Is that then a sign of a lack of passion or just common sense reasoning to say that sometimes dreams can take many forms and sacrifice needs to be made wisely.

What are your thoughts on sacrifice?
Leave a comment down below! 


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