Ready Player One

Based on the novel Ernest Cline had written back in 2011, Ready Player One sets it's sights in the year 2045 where a vast majority of people have assimilated their lives into a virtual reality universe known as OASIS. This universe is where the majority of things happen, there you can make money, trade goods, play games, and even stand the chance of finding secret treasure that would entitle one to basically owning the entire online universe.

I loved the multi-universe that Spielberg had created, very much like the Internet itself, it portrayed a world that was full of possibilities and also where no one person is meant to hold dominion over.

One of the greatest inventions to date is that of the Internet, and since its inception, it has created millions of corresponding avenues for people to learn, game, create, make money, and essentially create themselves anew. Now grated that the Internet can also be the home of many temptations and the odd prince needing a few bucks, but the overall consensuses is that the invention of the Internet has altered people's lives for the better.

Or so we thought...

More and more media has jumped onto the bandwagon to try and relate as to how technology and the Internet can be used to invade privacy, breech the law, and create unstoppable monsters. But we as a society don't seem to be able to now live without the wild Internet at our disposal.

The days of playing in the open field have been replaced with hand-held devices that in the name of education are essentially stripping away the childhood what we previously enjoyed. And is it really technology to blame, or is it because of ourselves, due to the fact that we would rather lose some of our humanity in order to ensure that we are not left behind in the age of technology.

If asked to give it all up, would you do it?


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