
There is a superhero inside all of us, or so the movie Shazam is trying to portray in its recent installment starring Zach Levi, Mark Strong, and Asher Angel.
The movie follows the character Billy as he goes from foster home to foster home on his quest to find his biological mother, along the way he encounters a wizard and is bestowed superpowers that he learns to use along the way.
Without giving too much away, we are well aware that Shazam is the alternate of Captain Marvel. They both have similar indestructibility and are just trying to be perceived as normal while basically ripping off Superman's powers. There's the classic scenes wherein Shazam is trying to find a good medium between saving the world and having awesome powers, and also trying to find friends and have a home.
But all that begs a question to the audience, if you had the ability to do anything,would you abuse that gift?

There are many times in life whereby the paths we take seem almost predestined for us. We are just not able to make certain choices due to limitations in physicality, needing to earn money to support ourselves, and general vulnerability to bullets.
But imagine for a movement that those limitations were not there anymore, would you still choose the path that is safe and mundane and honestly rather dull. Or would you choose the path that is chock full of possibilities and uncertainties, and maybe having to work twice as hard to prove yourself.

Comment your choice down below! 


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