Avengers: End Game

So now that a good majority of people seen the movie, I suppose I would not get called out for any spoilers that may or may not be present in this post.

Meant to be the culmination of the last ten years of Marvel stories combined, the tale continues after the 2018 film Infinity War where Thanos attempts and succeeds in wiping out half of the population, thus creating the balance of humanity that he claimed would bring about a greater peace.
So now all our heroes are either scattered to unknown areas of space, are too distraught to try and fight again, or became space dust.
Although things do start to take a turn for the better once the characters Captain Marvel and Ant Man come into the picture. And from here on the story itself follows a lot of time travelling though the quantum realms in order to change the course of reality and make sure that Thanos never gets the chance to make the infamous snap.

Although there are a million ways to debate the film, what I wanted to bring forward was the idea that the answer or ending we want, is not always the one that we get. And be this in movies, books, or even in real life.
Most of us are on the quest in life for our happy ending. We are so certain that if we have a particular job, if we made enough money, if we have all the material possessions we want, if we marry this person...then we will be happy. We try so hard to get pole position in this rat race, chasing the wind of frivolity, not truly understanding that the only thing worth chasing in life is happiness.

Yes I know it sounds profoundly simple, but when all is said and done, the only thing worth the horrors of life are the happy moments we obtain along the way.

I suppose this is why I was very satisfied with the ending of the film where Captain America uses time travel to return the stones and to also live out his life with his long lost love Peggy. Because in the end, the only thing that we as humans really crave is to be happy. 


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