Steped Out

A few days ago, a member of the infamous Try Guys has released a choreographed video in which he related through dance the struggle of identifying as a homosexual and how the different communities ultimately treat someone who is 'coming out'.
There were some heartbreaking moments in which you can see the classic Asian parents wanting to curb feminine tendencies in their male heirs, and also how strict religion didn't help to support the youth that was struggling to find themselves and in the end only showed hate to the vulnerable youth.
And although this would not be considered a a film, its message was intense enough that I felt it needed to be shared.

The fear that many Asian communities have is in believing that if they allow for non-heteronormative persons to live among their communities, then eventually everyone would end up gay and essentially 'corrupting' the good name of the family and community.
We still very much have this belief that being queer is a disease that is infiltrating in nature, rather than an opportunity for people to express themselves and explore their innermost desires in a safe and respected space.

Where I personally draw the line in the sand is when people in the LGBTQ+ communities try to live in the stereotypes of what gay should be. Being flamboyant and mean is a choice that they have made, but it is one that does not help in the community seeing the gay man as anything more than the girls best friend. A lot of nations are now adopting new and inclusive rules to their community where the average person could live in a community unhindered by the stresses put on by the right-wing communities.

I think everyone should be given safe spaces to explore their personality, to find their niche and also be alright with not having one. Because it is only with safe exploration are we allowing ourselves to evolve. 


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