X Men: Dark Phoenix

As one of the many movies released under the X Men franchise, this installment recalls the previously told story in X Men 3 where Jean Grey uncovers a dual-personality known as the Phoenix and ultimately shows that even though we may try to alter history, some things are just beyond change and are entirely meant to be.

Starring the cast from Apocalypse, the young mutants are not only trying to rebuild their image among the humans and to change the perception people have of mutants on the whole, but are also trying to stop a race of morphing aliens who are attempting to seize power from Jean and create a new galaxy on the ruins of earth.

The resounding theme of the franchise seems to harp on the fact that power and being different can be considered both an asset and a deficit. And it's up to its user to determine which he would rather be to society.
Of course there are just certain mutants that seem entirely too dangerous even for their own good and it would be quite challenging to see how they would fit back into normal life again. After all, having blue skin tends to make you stand out pretty much wherever you are.

Though that does beg an interesting question, if you were given unspeakable power to bend reality to your will, would you use it to help others or to benefit yourself? And with that supreme power, would you have additional responsibilities that you would have not had otherwise?

See I believe that we all would take the chance to change our current reality if we could, even if it meant we were just satisfying our own curiosity.
What would things be like if we had made different choices?
Would we be happier if things had played out in a different way?

I think these are questions that we can never really answer, but something worth taking note of is that if and when we do get to a position where we have enough power/authority to bend others to our will, that we choose to act out of kindness and not the greed that seems to become so many. 


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