Toy Story 4

Toy Story has released its latest and final installment with a fourth movie, not an easy feat for any animated movie. But ever since its inception in 1995, the film and its many characters have become a household staple for children and adults alike.
And while the latest film was not one that personally appealed to me at first, after watching it I can say that the morals the film was depicting were some of the most relevant ones and had really hit home.
(spoilers ahead)

In this film, our beloved Woody is no longer the most loved toy in the pile, in fact he barely gets played with at all anymore. So Woody has taken on a new role to make sure that toys are still serving their purpose and that they see the importance of being there for a child during their most vulnerable moments.
We come across a few more characters in the movie that either do not think of themselves as toys, or want to be played with so desperately that they will do anything in their power to ensure that a child pick them for a companion.

Along the way, we also come across Bo Peep, a character last seen in Toy Story 2 and is the intended love interest of Woody while she belongs to Andy's little sister and takes care of her sheep. Now since we have last seen her, she has been in an antique store and when given the chance, she left to be a 'lost toy' where she could travel with the carnival and have a chance to see the world without being tied to a single child.
Woody is now at odds with himself, a tie between wanting to remain a loyal toy to his kid, and wanting to be with Bo.

And of the many teachable moments that were depicted in the film, one that resonated with me is the moral of being able to let things go.

Sometimes we try so hard to want to control every person and circumstance around us, forgetting our true selves and purpose as a result.
And it's not that the one controlling means any harm, they just want to make sure that everyone is okay and is happy, no matter the cost.
Needless to say, this is a very dangerous road in life to take.

The need to please others is something that is not easily remedied.
And while the road to enlightenment is hard and mentally challenging, if this spoke to you, know that you are not alone in your fight and that you are worth the care that you bestow on others.


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