The Gentlemen

It's safe to assume that you may be bingeing on Netflix right now and want to watch something with a little more grit and substance than the reality show about restaurants on the brink of bankruptcy. With that I give you, The Gentlemen. 

In true Guy Richie form, this film depicts the underground drug market as more than just the junkie-selling by a dark corner, no this is an international chain of distribution with the head honcho Pearson. And the tale unfolds as to how Pearson is trying to be kicked out of his top position by the less-than-gentlemenly thug gangs. 

The film received countless praise for the return of Richie's iconic directing style and the ingenious story-telling which is like nothing ever seen before. And with a cast that includes Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding and the iconic actress Michelle Dockery (aka. Mary from Downton Abby), one could bet money on the fact that this film is one for the masses. 

I really enjoyed the film and look forward to hearing your opinions in the comments. 

Ciao darling! 


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