The Platform

With the world still social distancing and you trying your best to keep your mind and body active within the confines of your own home, now may just be the perfect time to start watching all those foreign films on Netflix that you have been adding to your list and have not gotten around to watching yet.

May I suggest to you the Netflix original Spanish film, The Platform.
And although the genre is a science-fiction horror, the entire plot is very much a beautiful psychological film showcasing some of the more grotesque aspects of human character, very much reminiscent of an episode of Black Mirror.

Without giving too much away, the central story is about people who are in the middle of a psychological experiment. These people are either volunteers or are prisoners who are working off their sentence.
In this experiment there is a building with many floors, there are 2 people on each floor and a giant table full of food is transported from the first floor all the way down. The people have a set amount of time to eat from this table (once per day) with the base hypothesis being that humans will start to ration food if they know it has to be shared. Goreng discovers this and tries his hardest to create a rationing system, but people being people have other plans.

I really do applaud the director; Galder Urrutia for creating scenes in the film that affect the audience so vocally. I myself had a very emotional and physical response only to the scenes of people eating, and that in and of itself is a mark of brilliance.

The ending is a little neither here nor there, and leaves the audience to create their own interpretation of what really happened, something that most Spanish films have a knack for.

But if your in the mood, I would say that The Platform is a must-see film of early 2020 and you can enjoy it too, conveniently from the home that you have been secluded in for the last 2 weeks...which you know somebody is going to make a film about someday.


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