The Tale of Princess Kaguya


There are some movies that you watch for its cinematic value, and others just for their story telling. And while the Studio Ghibli movie, the tale of princess Kaguya is off a very simplistic animation style, the morals behind the film hit me right in the feels. 

The movie itself was released in 2013, considerably recent in comparison to some of their more famous titles. And to be perfectly honest, this was more of a Netflix recommendation to me rather than something I would have voluntarily watched myself. And while I was missing some of the infamous landscapes that I associate with all films released by Studio Ghibli, I did however find myself very much connected to its story and felt an actual withdrawal when the film was finally over. 

Without giving too much away, the film's main theme is about greed and wanting a path for your children that they may not want for themselves. 
Which is basically EVERY asian's story in life. 
And a tale you would not expect to emerge out of a stereotypical Japan. 

All the same, the tale of princess Kaguya is one that I think everyone should watch and with it being on Netflix now, is one that you can watch.

If you have watched it, leave a comment below on who you think was misunderstood in the film. 
Till next time, 



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