Going Live

In an age where deciding on a single movie, television show or book to read would cause some actual distress in an individual, perhaps knowing a little more from an individual who has read or watched beforehand would keep us from mindlessly flicking though Netflix or watching the coveted blockbuster that left you feeling as though your time could have been better spent elsewhere.

Did you ever stop to question as to why something is as popular as everyone claims it to be?
Is it worth the hype?
Is following a trend all that its cracked up to be?
Should I be getting an account on Twitch?

Well my point of view is that of an Asian female, born in the 90's, and trying to fathom the trends being set via the millennial generation. My opinion may not always fall in favor of the majority, but I believe it is important to always have some kind of opinion, rather than to just be following along with the herd.
To question what is popular and to not just be different just for its sake, but to be true to yourself no matter the outcome.

So whether you know all the High School Musical songs, are a member of the South Side Serpents, or are awaiting the newest Black Pink song to hit the radio, join me in the journey to understand popular culture, and hopefully create a few new trends all our own.     


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