Sorry to Bother You

In Boots Riley's directorial debut, this dark American film is one for those of us who enjoy the dark and twisted nature of humanity and the moral constructs that tend to be broken as a result of humanity's relationship with technology.

Our main character Cassius is just an ordinary man who is trying to make ends meet and support his girlfriend who is working in the arts. He starts off at a call centre selling products and soon learns that using his 'white voice' is far more persuasive is making sales than he ever thought, because sadly the world only really responds to the voice of the white male.
Eventually he does so well in sales that he is promoted to a Power Caller and realizes that the products being sold are human labor and forced slavery, so now he has a choice to make, between his own internal morals and making the most money he ever has in his life.

The story takes a weird turn soon after; I won't be spoiling it for you, and the audience is left aghast at how truly cruel those in power can become just so that they can maintain their position as being rich and presumably more powerful.

If you have enjoyed the Black Mirror series, then this film is one to watch. It will keep you glued to your seat while also leaving you saying...'what did I just watch?'


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